Based on the fact that we as humans are up to 60% water, we in essence are water. In this masterplan the people (or the water) define the space and the buildings surrounding in turn become the land. Through this project I also aimed to bridge the large social/class gap between the people of Chichester by creating a complex which invited people of all social standing to inhabit or use the spaces designed, something that does not yet exist in Chichester.


Concept Model

-My design was based around the movement of the people (or water) on site.

Perspective of Main Entrance To Site

Perspective of Entrance of Community Sports Hall

Perspective of Community Sports Hall

Perspective of Community Park
-This was designed to cater for the residents within the complex as in Chichester the average family has two to three children.

Site Model
-This was completed by me and two other students.

Perspective Section Through Community Sports Hall and Exhibition Space

Axonometric Diagram
-This complex combines a number of activities attractive to different classes, intended to bring greater unity and bridge the gap between the communities within chichester.